



By Samuel Okonkwo

Judging from the series of crisis and senseless wars experienced so far in the entire Omambala zone: Anambra East, Anambra West and Ayamelum, one will be tempted to ask the above question which the answer to it will go a long way helping us to identify the root of problems and possibly proffer solutions to the reoccurring decimals.
But from my little research and experiences so far, I have come to realize that Omambala people has a very big problem that needs divine intervention. Looking at the statistics of people that lost their lives, houses that were burnt and properties worth of billions of naira that were destroyed from about two decades ago till date, one can conclude that we have a long way to go. This can generate countless questions from our neighbouring communities in Anambra State and by extension Igbo Land which may include:
Are there still wise people in the area?
Do they still have educated people among them?
Are there still God-fearing Christians among them?
Is there any atom of development in the area?
Do they still understand that they are one people anymore? These and more questions will do the magic of healing our wounds if well analyzed and answered correctly.

Indeed, I’m ashamed of identifying myself as Onye Omambala when discussing with people from other communities in Anambra State and even beyond. Where are we to start taking the census of ugly incidence that happened in Omambala area for about two decades till date? Issues that can easily be resolved through dialogue and round table, Omambala people will start carrying gun, machete, axe and other dangerous weapons to take away lives they cannot create, and as if that’s is not enough engaging in arson, destroying and looting properties worth of billions of naira.

The other time, it was Nsugbe and Umueri in Anambra East, Umuenwelum Anam and Umuoyalla Oroma-Etiti Anam in Anambra West, Aguleri and Umueri in Anambra East, Omor And Anaku in Ayamelum, Ala and Onugwe and Odekpe in Anambra West, Omor and Umumbo in Ayamelum and the recent one between Umoji Umuoba Anam and Ebeagu Aguleri in Anambra East. Not to talk of the averted ones that nearly broke out in some other communities in Omambala zones.
Undoubtedly, this is one of the major reasons development will continue to suffer kwashiorkor in the entire areas. A true development will only thrive in the area where there is atmosphere of peace, tranquility, tolerance, mutual understanding, fair-play and level play ground.

But the question is: how do we come out of this bondage? How do we rewrite the history and create a peaceful environment for our children and generation unborn so that this ugly history will not continue to repeat itself in our areas?

In tackling the above questions, I think some of the causes of our problems are not far-fetched. In a place where there is high level of illiteracy and moral decadence, what do you expect? Our youths don’t have interest in education anymore. Some are dropping out in primary schools, Junior secondary or in SS1 only to settle in the village causing nuisance, involving in some criminal activities and creating problems here and there. Even if one does not want to finish secondary school which is adviseable to finish at least, one can engage in learning trade or some other skills for self-reliance and sustainable source of income.

You must agree with me that there is no Lawyer, Engineer, doctor, teacher, banker, lecturer, etc, among those that are killing and destroying properties but they are the miscreants, defiants, misfits, touts and maladjusted ones in the community. Indeed, they are the problems we have because an idle mind they say is a devil’s workshop.

This is a clarion call to every parent and guardian to channel the minds of their children and wards back to school at least to get the basic education before engaging in any form of trade or skill acquisition so as to catch them young before they become negatively influenced by the miscreants in the community.

Honestly, if you want your child to become valuable to himself and his family, don’t miss this two vital areas in child training: one, make sure you give the child sound education. Two, inculcate the fear of God and morals into the child to enable him become God-fearing because an educated child without the fear of God or some morals is a clever demon.

Secondly, the high level of idol worship which is characterized with all sorts of diabolical acts is really alarming in Omambala. Young men and women are now in competition of who becomes native doctors (Dibias) and River godess (Ezenwanyi). You see a clean young man carrying Okite-ite here and there proudly and be boasting with it, exposing themselves on social medias, thereby corrupting and polluting the minds of our teenagers who may be lured to see it as the best and easier way of making money. Some young women are now forming association of Ezenwanyi with tattered and scattered hairs, causing more harm than good.

Consequently, those young native doctors are busy preparing all sorts of charms for our youths thereby making them to be full of themselves, appearing arrogant, stubborn and trouble seeking because they are under the influence of what they have taken in the name of bullet- resistance (Mkpuu & Odiechi) and which they would always like to showcase or test at any slightest provocations.

Unfortunately, some of our youths have brought many deities to themselves to the extent that they don’t even remember their respective numerous rules. Story abound of some youths who died simply because they failed to maintain the rules governing those deities. Worst still, when they fail to maintain the deities, they begin to look for blood to suck. May be because, the owner promised to slaughter a cow or made a big promise but couldn’t fulfill at last. All these things have their peculiar repercussions.

Omambala River

Moreso, those native doctors are the ones encouraging rituals by preparing all sorts of charms for the kidnappers, armed-robbers, internet frauds and the like, all in the pursuit of quick money making syndrome (Egombute) which has turned many young men to ritualists. Indeed, ‘ogu Ka-ana agwo, oburo olu Ka-analu’. Consequently, inorder to maintain the charms or the deity, they would go extra length of killing different animals including their fellow human beings just to make sure that the blood-sucking deities are satisfied or else those deities can in turn manipulate them by using them as agent of war initiators at any slightest provocations.

It’s high time our Stakeholders, the traditional rulers, the president generals, the council of elders, religious organizations, patriotic and peace-loving individuals in Omambala zone will rise to their responsibilities by making sure that there are some set of laws guiding or binding us as it concerns this incessant crisis, killing, arson and destruction of the properties. Churches are also encouraged to pray ceaselessly. ” If my people which are called by my name shall humble themselves, and pray, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin, and I will heal their land.” ( 2 Chron. 7:14). Our land needs to be healed.

Indeed, all hands must be on deck to fight the common enemy and this reoccurring decimals in Omambala zone so that Omambala will know PEACE again.

S.N. Okonkwo Wrote from Anambra West LGA of Anambra State

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