Anambra : Chairman Vows To Take Market To Promised Land Despite All Odds



By Julie Sylvia, Onitsha

Despite all odds associated with market development/progress, the caretaker committee chairman of Nkpor New Auto Spare parts market, Idemili North Local Government Area, Anambra State, Chief Obiorah Ofoleh,(Award),on March 14 vowed to take the market to the promised land.

Making the vow during the first general meeting of the market traders, Chief Ofoleh reiterated his resolve to make the market better than he met it disclosing that the essence of this meeting was to inform them that he has been handed over the affairs of the market and what he was handed over to by his predecessor, Chief Elysius Ozorkwere.

He added also that three extra members of the caretaker commitee have been inaugurated and joined with them by the state government and listed their names to include, Mr Osita Aniekwe, Mr Osondu Okafor, and Mr Moses Chime.

He thanked the traders for their total compliance on the sanitation exercise and warned them to desist from indiscriminate urination, including urinating at the gutters since he has put the toilet facilities in good condition.

He however warned those that spray their wares across the gutters to desist from doing so in their own interest, even as he expressed satisfaction with the large turn up of traders during the meeting.

“I am excited on the turnout of traders in today’s meeting, I have not seen this number before during meeting, not only the large number but their comportment throughout the meeting.

On the alleged missing Corporate Affairs Commission, CAC, market registered certificate of incorporation, he said, “This is what would have been done during the inauguration but due to some circumstances my predecessor did not appear.

“We decide to have a general meeting for the official handover but they decided that it should be executives versus executives, so I have this meeting because I deemed it fit to tell people what was handed over to me.

“The handover was like a written note apart from three things, the issue of CAC registration, the agreement that we used to buy the land from the Local Government Authority then, and bank issue was just given orally. So I decided to show the people because I am not the owner, this is what I will hand over as a predecessor . I will follow this issue legally to make sure that every missing document is recovered,” he affirmed.

Asked on the magic wand for all he has been able to achieve within a short period, he stated that it was his priority to develop the market for the betterment of the traders.

“These things I am doing, like the toilet facilities, mounting of solar, repairing of over headed tank, among others within few weeks of assumption of office, irrespective of money in the pursuit of this target, this is what I choose to do.

“I came in as an apprentice and have been in this market for thirty something years, I will not like the new parts I know to turn out to another thing, what is the essence of God giving me money, like the Bible said, ‘blessed be to those that giveth than the ones that taketh’, I am happy with the support of traders, they know me very well before now. I have been my line chairman, the record is there and I will still do more, this is a challenge and I need to reciprocate,” he posited.

Contributing, Mr Law Madubem, said “When one is handed over, he should start work and gradually sort out issues he has with the predecessor because if you decide to go for it immediately, it might result in leaving what you should do and start doing the ones you should not. So the issue is what would be sort out slowly, so that the arrangement will be between the arranger and the arrangee”.

Chief donatus Anya, another trader, expressed satisfaction that the handover was done in brotherly manner, saying that if there are issues, they should be treated gradually, and thanked the chairman for the way he handled the meeting, stating that he could also handle the market well as a leader.

Chief Paulinus Nwannebihukwu, stated that the handover went normal even if there are issues to be addressed gradually and advised them to bury selfish interest so that they will take the market to an enviable height.

The chairman shortly after sanitation went round and inspected how the market sanitation exercise that holds in every market in the state on every second Thursday of the month, was carried out in his market, especially drainages, park, toilets and solar light to make sure that they are all neat and in good condition.

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