
Anambra Philanthropist Bags Meritorious Community Service Award



Ndiowu Town Union (NDU), Orumba North Local Government Area, has presented a meritorious award to one of their illustrious sons, Chief Dr. Joseph Onuorah, popularly known as (Deme-Deme 1 of Orumba) in recognition of his philanthropic spirit and immense contributions to the growth, developmen and upliftment of Ndiowu community and his general service to humanity.

Responding, Dr. Onuorah who was elated for the honour done him by his people, assured that the award will spur him to do more for his community and beyond, and continue to serve humanity.

Dr Onuorah has equally been tipped severally by stakeholders as one of the vibrant young leaders with the likelihood to throw in their hats as a candidate for the Senatorial seat in Anambra South Senatorial zone come 2027 elections.

In his 2024 new year message, he asked Nigerians in general and Ndi Anambra in particular to make the best of the new year, looking into the future with hope as their best days are still ahead.

Dr. Onuorah further urged them to develop the will power to start afresh in the new year to chase personal, professional and community goals with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.

He advised Nigerians to be security conscious, patriotic and continue to hold their various elected officials accountable on their campaign promises, to ensure that the Nigeria of their dreams becomes individual and collective reality.

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