
UNN launches Ethical Policy Handbook



Prof. Obiora Ike, former Executive Director,, Geneva, Switzerland, has applauded the University of Nigeria Nsukka (UNN) for presenting Ethical Policy handbook for staff and is the largest digital provider globally for online ethics. It is an Economic and Social Council Member of the United Nation, promoting global consortium for universities network and linkages for ethics ranking.

Obiora, a Catholic Monsignor, made the commendation in Nsukka on Friday during the presentation of a 21-page UNN Ethical Policy booklet to staff and students by the directorate of Strategic Contacts, Ethics and Publications (STRACEP) of the university.He said UNN had once again demonstrated that it is the premier university in the country by being the first university to produce and present ethical policy booklet in Nigeria.“I commend the UNN management for this historic feat, which will not only help on sound reasoning but good conscience on staff and students.

“No organisation or institution thrives without adherence to good ethical conducts on humanity.“Our teachings, behaviours, technologies and everything we do should focus on humanity ethics and not gender,” he said.Speaking, Prof Charles Igwe, the Vice Chancellor (VC) of the University, said that the ethical policy handbook would be a moral conduct guide for staff, students and associates of the university.“The ethical document is to implement the core values, mission and motto, regulations and the extant laws of the university.“It will also guide alumni, stakeholders as well as our programmes, curricular, business operations and everything concerning our university.“We give ourselves this sacred and noble document that the dream and labour of our founding fathers will not be in vain and to bequeath to future generation a world-class university, which produces graduates that are worthy in character and learning with exemplary global citizenship conduct,” he said.

The VC, represented by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Administration, Prof. Pat Okpoko, commended STRACEP and the university’s ethical policy committee for a job well done.He urged STRACEP to ensure that the handbook was made available to staff and students of the UNN.Also speaking, Dr. Ngozi Nnebedum, UNN Registrar, said that the primary purpose of regulation and discipline in any university were to protect the image and well-being of the institution.She urged members of the university community to study and abide by the ethical policy, noting that it would enhance the university’s good image and performance in all ramifications.In a remark, Prof Edith Nwosu, a former Deputy Vice-Chancellor of UNN, Enugu Campus, said that the policy was premised on the motto of UNN which is “to Restore the dignity of man” and its philosophy, “To seek the truth, teach the truth and preserve the truth” as well as the core values of the university.Nwosu who was Chairman of the occasion and also Chairman of UNN Ethical Committee, said the need to adhere to ethics and values had become more important as many people globally now turn truth upside down as good had become relative term instead of absolute term.“I am grateful to the UNN management who finds me worthy to chair the Ethical Committee as well as to members of the committee for their commitment and cooperation,” she said.

Also in a remark, Prof. Sabinus Ofoefule, the Director of SERVICOM in UNN, urged staff and students of the institution to strive to achieve excellence through adoption of best practices appropriate to the vision, mission, core values, motto and philosophy of the university.“Staff should at all times maintain a high level of customer service, quality delivery, trustworthiness and commitment to the highest standard to effectively meet the needs of the public,” he said.

Earlier Dr Casmir Ani, commended Prof Benjamin Ozumba, the former VC of the UNN, whom, he said, was in charge when SRACEP was established.Ani said his directorate would continue to work in Synergy with SERVICOM and other relevant organisations in the UNN and outside to ensure good ethical conducts in the university.“I commend the Ethical Committee members, led by Nwosu, for their dedication and sacrifices to ensure that this booklet is presented to the university community today,”Ani said.The director expressed special gratitude to Igwe (VC) and the UNN management for their wonderful support which he said made the presentation of the booklet a reality.NAN reports that the highlight of the occasion was the inauguration of Ethics Desk Officers of all the departments in UNN by the Vice-Chancellor. (NAN)

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