
Nigerians Qualify for UK Jobs Under ‘Scale-up Visa Scheme’



Nigerians and other foreign nationals are being urged by London to apply for jobs in the United Kingdom in the 2022 Scale-up Visa scheme which began on 22 August and seeks to talent to all sectors of the economy.

London wants to see growing businesses attract the right skill to enhance productivity and believes scaling up is an important phase for high-growth businesses to continue growing and drive their international competitiveness.

Scale-up visa scheme attracts talent across fields such as scientists, engineers, programmers, software developers, research and development professionals, economists, architects, technicians, financial, and investment advisers.

The plan is to see enterprises boost their innovation and productivity and in turn keep contributing to the economy, according to a statement issued by the UK government.

“Rapidly growing businesses, like small enterprises, tech and financial services, need the right level of support to go to the next level,” Safe and Legal Migration Minister Kevin Foster said.

“Through our Scale-up visa, we’re enabling businesses to focus on their growth and innovation by giving them more freedom to bring in the diverse skills and experience they need, making them more attractive on an international stage.

“By supporting our high-growth tech, financial services and small businesses, we are ensuring the UK remains a global hub for emerging technologies and innovation while enhancing productivity across the economy – creating jobs, growth and prosperity across Britain.”

“The ScaleUp Institute welcomes the launch of the Scale-up visa. This is something we have recommended since our inception and should provide a much-needed fast track service to enable local growth companies to access the talent they need more quickly,” ScaleUp Institute CEO Irene Graham said in the statement, per Nairametrics reporting.

“Scaleups add over £1 trillion a year and more than 3 million jobs to the UK economy, and are present in every community, hiring people from at home and abroad, as they drive growth into their local areas and beyond.

“The visa should help with the skills demands. We look forward to continuing to work with the government as this service evolves to ensure it fully addresses scaling business needs and works effectively.”

About Scale-up Worker Visa

A Scale-up Worker visa (or Scale-up business) allows you to come to the UK to do an eligible job for a fast-growing UK business. Eligible businesses attract highly skilled talent – including scientists, engineers, programmers, software developers, research and development professionals, economists, architects, technicians, financial, and investment advisers.

Companies eligible to sponsor talented individuals through Scale-up visa include small businesses and those in tech and financial services that have achieved growth of 20 per cent or more in employment or turnover year-on-year for at least three years and employed a minimum 10 people at the start of the three years.

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