
2023 Presidential Race: Atku Takes Nigerian Masses for Granted- Obi Supporters



The Presidential Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), Atiku Abubakar has been accused of insensitivity to the yearnings of the Nigerian people.

Peter Obi Support Network, a political pressure group backing the Labour Party Presidential candidate made the declaration while reacting to Atiku’s recorded interview aired on Arise TV network on Friday.

The group in a statement issued through its Director og Strategic Communications, Onwuasoanya FCC Jones, described as erroneous, the claim by the PDP candidate that Obi stand zero chance of winning the 2023 presidential election because the Labour Party has no formidable political structure to harness votes across the country.

The said that the former vice-president based his entire permutation on “the assumed influence of the corruption promoting and vote buying mercenaries called political structure, without any deference to the unassailable powers of the ordinary masses of Nigeria, who actually are the most powerful force in a democracy and the key determinants of election victory.”

” Alhaji Atiku Abubakar’s assertion speaks to the illusions of the fascist school of thought who believes that the Nigerian masses do not matter and cannot afford a mind of their own, hence they are led by the ropes to cast their votes for Parties approved of by the class of individuals mentioned by him. In essence, he is saying that Nigerians are some kind of slaves who cannot take a political decision on their own, except as imposed on them by their slave masters.

“This might be true in the past, but we can assure the former Vice-President and those of his class who hold such derogatory perception of Nigerians that a new Nigeria is birthed and Nigerians are ready to take their fate in their own hands.

“The Peter Obi candidacy is not a mere political project but a national movement for the reawakening of Nigerians to take their fate in their hands and break off the chains on their shackles for which they are derided as being “sub-citizens” with the so-called structure being the deciders of where their votes shall go.



The attention of Peter Obi Support Network has been drawn to a recorded interview of His Excellency Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, in which he gave unsolicited and apparently erroneous political consultancy on who can win elections and who can’t win. The seventh time presidential aspirant had reportedly claimed that the most popular presidential candidate, Mr. Peter Obi cannot win the presidential election because the Labour Party does not have governors elected on its platform nor National assembly members on its ranks.

Unfortunately, the former Vice-President based his entire permutation on the assumed influence of the corruption promoting and vote buying mercenaries called political structure, without any deference to the unassailable powers of the ordinary masses of Nigeria, who actually are the most powerful force in a democracy and the key determinants of election victory.

Alhaji Atiku Abubakar’s assertion speaks to the illusions of the fascist school of thought who believes that the Nigerian masses do not matter and cannot afford a mind of their own, hence they are led by the ropes to cast their votes for Parties approved of by the class of individualsmentioned by him. In essence, he is saying that Nigerians are some kind of slaves who cannot take a political decision on their own, except as imposed on them by their slave masters.

This might be true in the past, but we can assure the former Vice-President and those of his class who hold such derogatory perception of Nigerians that a new Nigeria is birthed and Nigerians are ready to take their fate in their own hands.

The Peter Obi candidacy is not a mere political project but a national movement for the reawakening of Nigerians to take their fate in their hands and break off the chains on their shackles for which they are derided as being “sub-citizens” with the so-called structure being the deciders of where their votes shall go.

We are banking on the votes of the millions of dissatisfied but genuinely patriotic Nigerians who want to see a truly independent, prosperous and thriving democratic Nigeria. And everyday, as we move from community to community, from market to market, from mosque to mosque and from church to church we are encouraged by the passion displayed by these Nigerians for a new, working and productive Nigeria under the leadership of Mr. Peter Obi and Senator Yusuf Datti Baba-Ahmed.

We expected that the former Vice-President, having confirmed the undeniable competence, integrity and wide acceptability of Mr. Peter Obi, that he would demonstrate his true love for Nigeria and a genuine desire for her progress by dropping his ambition to be President of Nigeria and endorse Mr. Peter Obi who has shown practical readiness and preparedness to retrieve Nigeria from the precipice of total collapse.

Onwuasoanya FCC Jones
Director, Strategic Communication
Peter Obi Support Network
22nd July, 2022.

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