The Social and Integral Development Centre, (SIDEC) host of the Tax Justice and Governance Platform has called on traders in Anambra Central Senatorial District to show patriotism through regular payment of taxes, fees and levies.
Executive Director, SIDEC, Ugochi Ehiahuruike, who made the call in her opening remarks in Nkpor during a sensitization workshop for selected markets, encouraged traders to voluntarily pay their taxes while they demand services from the government.
Represented by Bruno Chimnaecherem, Monitoring and Evaluation Officer of SIDEC, , Ugochi Ehiahuruike explained the critical role of tax payment in shaping the quality of infrastructure, healthcare and education of any state.
“However, many times, there is confusion about where our money goes, how policies are made, and what roles different stakeholders play in ensuring fair and transparent taxation.
“Use this opportunity to ask questions, share concerns, and discuss ways to make the system work better for everyone.
“Our goal is to equip you with the right knowledge so that you can make informed decisions, engage effectively with policymakers, and ensure that tax policies are fair and beneficial to all,” she said.
In a presentation on tax policies, a Tax Consultant, Dr Herbert Ofomata, explained that Government uses taxes and other collections are used to provide services for the good of all.
“Government uses your tax to pay salaries, build schools, health centres, construct roads etc. And if government fails, you are empowered by the tax law to demand those services. You can demand accountability”.
Ofomata explained the difference between the taxes paid by civil servants and those paid by traders and others in the informal sector.
“Civil servants have their taxes deducted every month from their salaries, while those in the informal sector pay their taxes once in a year. But, you must keep records of your business transactions and assess yourself to determine how much your tax is.
“The tax for 2024 is expected to have been paid by March 31st 2025 because tax law stipulates that you pay your tax for the preceding year 90 days from the commencement of the new year.
He appealed to the people to get their individual Anambra State Social Identity (ANSID) numbers which enable them to pay tax and enjoy other benefits from government.
“You need this ANSID number to pay through the various channels government has provided, especially now that government has stopped collection of cash”.
A member of Tax Justice and Governance Platform, Arthur Iwuanya, educated the traders to work closely with their leaders to use charter of demands to get government to address pressing needs in their markets.
“Government makes budget every year and the needs of various communities make up the budget. Get your lists of needs through your leaders and submit to government through the desk officer at the Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning.
“Also, give your representatives in the house the list because they also have some power to influence items featured in the budget. You are part of the government and you need to take ownership of it”.
During the interactive segment, one of the traders, Ugonnia Umeh, from New Part market, Nkpor lamented that despite all the money government has been collected, there is no public water supply, a situation that exposes residents to water borne diseases.
“It is not just to collect taxes but to use it to work. You people should tell government to do the needful because due to lack of potable water, we have outbreak of cholera every now and there. Go to the health centres, you don’t get drugs every time”.
Laureta Ogwuazu was particularly pained that while government is working well across the state, it has not been paying attention to the needs within the markets.
“We are the ones providing all the things we need by ourselves. Government should use part of the money they are collecting from us to do some work within the markets. We will be encouraged to pay voluntarily”.
For his part, Sunday Oforle stressed the need for government to carry people along in formulating their policies and programmes around revenue generation.
Virginia Ojinawata from the main market Nkpor pleaded with the government to reduce the amount of money they are meant to pay as taxes, fees and levies considering the prevailing harsh economic situation.
Members of the Social and Integral Development Centre, (SIDEC)during the sensitization campaign