
Family Planning: Natural Vs Artificial Products, Practices



By Sylvester Okonkwo

It was March 1996 that I started the journey of marriage. I did my traditional marriage in March and church wedding in September the same year.

Before the wedding, we went for marriage course for some months. One of the topics was the Natural Family Planning, Billings Ovulation Method to be specific.

Billings Ovulation Method was one of the natural family planning methods discovered by Dr. John Billings and his wife. They are from Australia.

During the training, we were told that the practice of Billings method (BM) has some advantages which includes that it is natural, it is reversible, you don’t need any medical supervision, it promotes mutual understanding of the couple, it helps achieve the number of your children and spacing, it helps you preselect your baby sex, a woman with irregular menses doesn’t have a problem practicing it, it is successfully used during breastfeeding, it has no health hazards, it’s success rate is about 98% and etc.

A short testimony of our understanding and practicing the Billings Ovulation Method.
We got a boy child in July 1997, another boy on 18th May 99, his brother on 18th May 2001, another boy on 19th May 2003 by 1am, their sister on 26th may 2005. We also enjoyed the other advantages until menopause set in.

Google Photo: A mother with her infant

Artificial family planning: This includes abortifacients which is the termination of the foetus or abortion. Another kind of Artificial family planning is contraceptives which is the act of preventing pregnancy through oral pills and injectable hormones, sterilization in men (Vasectomy), in women (Tubal-ligation), spermicides, barrier methods of condom and diaphragm in women and few others.
The only advantage my teacher told about artificial family planning is that it is easily practiced. But, the advantages include, it is costly, it’s health hazards are numerous, pregnancy can still occur by the usage of porous condoms, withdrawal method etc. If this happens, men deny their babies and trouble enters the family through this act of ignorance. Chemicals like spermicides can cause untold health challenge. Talking about sterilization and others, most of the time the operation is irreversible. Again, who knows what happens to the body because of the sperms and released eggs trapped inside the body?
Some babies have survived even when the mothers took pills and injectable. Yet, some babies refused to be aborted and were delivered playing with rings on their tinny hands. Still, abnormal tummy, frequent illness and constant visit to the hospital and so on are some of the health hazards some women who use artificial family planning suffer.

Plants and other food items cultivated naturally are far better than consuming the foods harvested from farms that use herbicides and synthetic manure.

Orthodox drugs/medicines are not the safer means of treatment. But, they can quickly heal your ill health and deposite toxins in your body. Natural products/medicines if well purified, prepared, and presented, can produce the most healing desire for efficient health care condition of the body system.

It is our hope, our desire and our prayer that very soon our medical personnel will give more time and research on natural products and help reduce the danger of the usage of synthetic health products.

Sylvester Chukwu Okonkwo, is an author, writer, Natural Family Planning Instructor and Nature of health provider. He can be reached via 08036760297 or (Sylvesterokonkwo1a@gmail.com)

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