Anambra Local Government Service Commission Week Ends In Praise



By Chidi Agu, Awka

Stakeholders, speakers and guests are commending the Board of Anambra State Local Government Service Commission Awka, led by the Chairman, Barr. Vincent Ifeanyi Ezeaka, for successfully holding a one week ANSLGS week, with theme Value Rebirth Through Digital Transformation: Solution ICT Agenda.

In a communique raised at the end of the event, Stakeholders noted that “it’s obvious that we are in a global world and just like the world is presently experiencing great changes with the advent of ICT and globalization, that the ANSLGS is today, experiencing a lot of positive transformation agenda, since the assumption of duty by the present board of the Commission.

The communique further reads:”The Board Members of the Commission going by their agenda setting so far, are highly experienced, responsible, reputable, dedicated and reliable members with proven integrity, appointed by the Solution Governor to assist in reviving, repositioning, reinvigorating and reorganization of the LG system for efficiency, productivity and optimal performances.They’re a formidable force to reckon with with good synergy among them.

“Indeed, the just concluded, one week program organized by the Commission which commenced on Tuesday 25th June at Dora Akunyili Women Development Centre, ended with joy and special Thanksgiving Mass at St Patrick’s new Cathedral Awka.

The value rebirth program which as a matter of fact was the first of it’s kind since the creation of Anambra State Local Government System ,was officially declared open by the Workers friendly Governor, Prof Chukwuma Charles Soludo.

“The program featured emulative and quality keynote address and paper presentations of international standard together with reputable resource persons, especially Professors, Associate Professors and PHD holders from our various prestigious Universities.

“The vibrant, energetic and trusted SPADs to Mr Governor on ICT, project and innovations equally added value to the program.

“The program was an eye opener, a welcome development as well as a result oriented program as vividly demonstrated by the over 600 participants from the 21 LGAs.

“The program equally featured exhibition and cultural displays from the 21 LGAs, which were part of the highlights of the event.
The program was designed to achieve the following objectives

“To create more awareness about the reformed LG system

“To take Anambra State Local Government System to greater heights
” To ensure that LG workers are on the same page of ICT/ digital transformation agenda of Mr Governor with other civil servants, for efficiency and improved productivity in Anambra State Civil Service.
“To maintain a synergy between the LG Staff, Government and Community members for sustainable grassroots development
“To improve our cultural values/ heritage
“To change LG workers attitude to work via value rebirth agenda program.

“During the LGS week, LG workers were excited and just like Oliver Twist, demanded that the program should be an annual event due to it’s value to the workers. Workers while demonstrating their joy, promised to continue to support and abide by the government policies and directives for enhancement of the workers welfare and improved grassroots development.

“It would be recalled that, Mr Governor, Prof Charles Chukwuma Soludo, while declaring the program open, was impressed and captivated by the well organized program, quality paper presentations and resource persons and released #20,000 for transportation support to all the selected staff present during the opening ceremony.

“Despite the above recorded achievements by the Chairman and Board Members of the Commission, the board members and the entire Council Staff were astonished when our attention was drawn to the derogatory, damaging and calculated attempt to misinform the Staff and the general public, through the social media by one Ekene Okoye for purported mismanagement and diversion of monies given by Mr Governor as transport fares to LG workers during the opening ceremony at Dora Akunyili Women Development Centre Awka.

“The Anambra State LGSC wishes to set the record straight and to convey to ndi Anambra and the general public that the allegations are false and devoid of any iota of truth. It’s simply the handwork of mischief makers and enemies of Anambra State Government, bent on creating unnecessary tension in the State and whose intention is also aimed at rubbishing the monumental achievements in LG reforms and zero tolerance to corruption initiated by the award winning commission chairman, Barr. Vin Ifeanyi Ezeaka and his team.

The communique added: “For the clarity sake, Barr. Vincent Ifeanyi Ezeaka never disbursed any money but ordered that the attendees transport fares be shared to all the LG workers as directed by Mr Governor Prof Charles Chukwuma Soludo, which was carried out immediately. All the attendees present at the hall collected their #20,000 largesse together with their lunch package which was shared LG by LG.

“For further clarity, the Commission equally wants to use this medium to inform the general public that the Solution Vanguard drawn from the 21 LGAs were not among the 30 participants per LG. Also the ushers, Strike force, drivers, Solution magazine members, various committee members among others drawn from the 21 LGAs engaged in one service or the other were part of the money but not included in the 30 names per LG.

“Moreso, we noticed that some LG Staff started calling their friends and relations on phone when they noticed that the money was provided physically immediately at the hall. Their names were not included in the list submitted earlier and they were the people shouting and creating unnecessary tension when they noticed they were not part of the money.

The communique concluded. “Moreover, the ANSLGSC found it absurd/ surprising that some uninformed disgruntled analog elements and agents of distabilization shall publish such baseless allegation and lies against the person of Barr. Vincent Ezeaka, whose Pedigree as an incorruptible personality and his impeccable record of zero tolerance of corruption and other related vices are emulative.

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