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Award Winning Best Seller Author/Artist, Dr Iwunwa Shares Excerpt of Her Latest Book – ‘The Beauty of My Horror’



Dr. Uba Iwunwa, the multiple award winning international Best Seller Author and artist has taken extraordinary step to let her fans into her latest literary works- ‘The Beauty of My Horror’

Uba, is a Canadian Humanitarian peace Ambassador, renowned for devoting her resources and energy to assisting the less privilege people in her home country Nigeria through her pet project, Ikenga Abiama Dynsty Foundation.

In the latest book, which is expected to be published soon, the singer/actress shares her experiences in battling dark forces of betrayal in human relationship and businesses. The excerpt makes an interesting read for anyone trying to understand the power of positivity when dealing with enemies within your comfort zone or trusted partner or relation.

She wrote: “Put a crown on a clown; a clown is a clown. Put a lipstick on a pig; a pig is a pig. See certain breed of human beings for what they are. Gather all the rocks thrown at you and move on.

Seek no revenge!!! Spiritual wisdom is the ability to showcase a malicious venomous snake on a high pedestal against all odds. Even when you know that snake is the enemy within. Carry your cross of divine assignment with honor and integrity.

Because you are a light in the midst of darkness. Yeshua Hamashiach knows who Judas was to fulfill destiny. Dark entities who are throwing dirt on you are the ones who doesn’t know their soul purpose as forces of darkness align to your soul purpose to balance the scale between darkness and light.

Embrace inner peace by transforming yourself into an antidote against cruelty and brutality by what you preach. Be a role model of strength and grace. Your cross bearing season will be laid to rest by divine providence.

A weak shady soul with an over flowing skeletons in their cupboards sits in the energy of paranoia. A low vibrational psychotic energy of that “I will destroy you before you destroy me.” Be unbordered, they are mare distractions.

They shit on everyone they come across and do their dirty shit behind the scene but God teaches the greatest karmic lesson and will expose them publicly one by one in due time.

By divine mandate, you held an energetic mirror in front of them by speaking your truth as a catalyst for them to see the reflection of their unhinged toxic dysfunctional cold-hearted, mean-spirited ugly evil soul manifest a vagabond before their very own eyes. You are to aid them to see their shadow self.

Expel, purge and release them in love and walk away. Your steps were divinely guided to illuminate their darkness to expose their inner demons for them to shed of their skin to heal and to vindicate the innocent; those who were beaten by the same snake before you.

Spiritual haters hate because they don’t love themselves. They gaslight you to stop you from knowing your worth because they are worthless. That rampage of self sabotage, betrayal and self destruction must surely settle the scores. There’s no rest for the wicked.

In their quest to snake you, to tarnish your reputation to poison your destiny. To steal, kill and to destroy; forces of nature working in your favor must surely get them tangled up by the string they are, twisted, hang themselves and drown in their own venom on that same pedestal you placed them to honor their scandalous role in your soul journey.

The greatest fool is a money hungry fool who sold their own soul to the devil to be used as a weapon to assassinate their own destiny. Karma is indeed a boomerang when the universe visited them with natural disaster.

Victory over spiritual warfare is that deep dark secret you know about them that can destroy their whole life but you walked away and kept your silence despite the horror. Yet they blame blames and cry wolf wolf in their victim mentality.

Your silence is the greatest blow and ego death the enemy can never recover from; it keeps them eternally convicted in their mental prison by divine judgment.

Smile, you have healed the old timeline because you were called by God to inspire and awaken souls for the Kingdom of God on Earth.

Divine justice, if only they know that they have taken a bite off of a divine bait and the Universe is unmasking the beast. A FALL FROM GRACE as Karma vindicates the innocent.

Excerpts from the new book
(Chosen of the Mystic Order)
Written By HM Dr Uba Iwunwa

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