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Man Slumps, Dies on Hearing Report of Son’s Murder by Unknown Gunmen in Orsumoghu



By Praise Chinecherem

A middle aged man, has slumped and died following news of the murder of his son by gunmen in Orsumogu community

The deceased son, Jude Oguejiofor, a lawyer was allegedly killed by persons suspected to be unknown gunmen.

A friend of the deceased who preferred anonymity alleged that the legal practitioner was abducted when he traveled home to visit his aged parents in the company of his brother, a medical doctor.

He said, “I normally followed Jude home to visit his parents and he has never had any issue with the gunmen in their community. Infact, whenever I accompany him home, they would search me but will not search Jude.

“When he went home with his brother who just bought a new Lexus Jeep, he didn’t have issue with anybody until we heard that the two of them have been abducted.

“The gunmen later released his brother and kept him on the allegation that he has been writing petition to the Anambra State government on their activities.

“They however promised that he would be released as soon as they complete their investigations.

“They later contacted the family and told them to forget about the legal practitioner and that he has been killed.

Anambra Daily learnt that the news of the killing of lawyer came as a rude shock to the Oguejiofor family which led to the sudden death of the father after he collapsed.

Attempts to get the police angle of the story were unfruitful as the Police spokesman, Tochukwu Ikenga could not be reached on phone.

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