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Nwafulugo Dedicates Successful Federal Polytechnic Oko Rectorship to God



By Uzo Ugwunze

In acknowledgement of Divine favor and kindness after having successfully completed a 5- year rectorship tenure as the helmsman cum first female Rector of Federal Polytechnic Oko(FPO), the quintessential Amazon, Engr. Dr. Mrs. Francisca Unoma Nwafulugo has celebrated her Valedictory Thanksgiving Service at the Anglican Chapel of the Light, Oko in Orumba North Local Government Area, Anambra State returning all glory to God.

In his sermon titled ‘Restoration and Rest Your Legacy, Your Memorial’ the Vicar, Rev. Canon Emmanuel Ogudoro who spoke from the book of Acts 9 vs 34 – 43 likened Engr. Dr. Mrs Nwafulugo as the biblical Tabitha (Dorcas) who led a selfless and impactful life that when Tabitha died, the widows refused to bury her but rather sent for Peter the apostle, brandishing the wears she sowed for them and prevailed on St. Peter until she was prayed back to life.

Rev. Canon Ogudoro eulogized the outgoing rector as a leader who left a lot of legacy during her tenure which spanned from February 2019 to February 4, 2024 despite challenges and scarce resources

The cleric urged other administrators, leaders and women to emulate her good virtues praying for God to reward her with other higher and favorable appointments to continue her good works with the fear of God.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Rector (Admin), Dr. Kenneth Ezekwe who is now overseeing the office ot the Rector and polytechnic Affairs, the Acting Registrar, Obini Onuchukwu(Acharakammanko), Polytechnic Bursar Mr. Stephen Udu and others in their separate Goodwill/farewell speeches recommended that Engr Mrs Nwafulugo be appointed immediately into a higher office by the Federal Government of Nigeria due to her wealth of experience, capacity and integrity as a reward for her legacies at Federal Polytechnic Oko.

According to Udu, It must be well with Mrs Nwafulugo. She came,saw and conquered. I am of the opinion that she should be appointed as the next Minister of Women Affairs by the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Dr Ezekwe said: ” my supersonic, hypersonic rector is really an Amazon and all you can think about a lady of Excellence. She is humane, caring, hardworking. Her intellect is superb. She will do extremely well if given an appointment as an Honourable Minister. Infact, I recommend her for any office even higher than ministerial appointment by the Federal Government.

Describing her rectorship, Obini Onuchukwu said he lacked choice of words to quantify the transformation the polytechnic community has undergone in the last 5 years.

“In the area of Academic Excellence, the Working Rector, Engr Mrs Nwafulugo PhD ensured accreditation of 62 programmes and mounted 3 more programmes. On Staff Welfare, she promoted all staff that had been frustrated in one way or the other who deserved promotion inspiring them to work harder”.

“More than 250 of our staff are in various countries improving on their intellectual capacity courtesy of the rector. Over 200 of our students are enjoying scholarship from Chinese Government and some are even employed to work in that cadre. So many staff were encouraged to attend various conferences and seminars locally through the special intervention of Mrs Nwafulugo”.

“In infrastructure, She constructed 18 massive buildings; 13 were fully completed and commissioned while 5 are at various stages of completion. She built 1.2km road asphalted with drainage facilities with additional 500meters road via Assetfund, installed solar lights and another 40 staff offices fully self-contained are in progress”.

“She did so well relating with host communities which attracted a meritorious ‘ Peaceful Coexistence Excellent Leadership award’ by the Oko community Youth wing”.

“Nwafulugo has raised the image of Fedpoly Oko to a high level. She has gathered so much experience that she needs to translate and transfer this knowledge to various dwindling institutions across the federation. She deserves a higher appointment because reward for good work is more work,” said Onuchukwu.

The former Anambra State Chairman, Nigeria Medical Association, NMA, Chief Dr. Sir Emma Monago(Igweoba Obosi) stated: “Engr Dr. Mrs Nwafulugo is one of those people that Federal Polytechnic Oko will not forget because of the verifiable, numerous achievements during her tenure. She was focused on her vision and today my family is happy to celebrate the successful completion of her rectorship.

The Director of Medical Services FPO, Dr Mrs Ifeoma Monago said that during the 5 year tenure of the outgoing rector, all sectors were touched describing her as Mother General who cares for all the staff despite the person’s cadre, a very hard working person who can work round the clock to achieve a target.

Moreso, the Rector, Renaissance Modern Polytechnic, Mbaukwu, Prof. Clifford Nwanna after wishing Nwafulugo the best in her future endeavors added his voice to what Rev Canon Ogudoro said during the Thanksgiving sermon praying God to bring a replacement that would continue her good works in the polytechnic.

However, the celebrator, Mrs Nwafulugo(Ugosimba, Nne Obioma, Ojoto) dedicated the successful completion of her rectorship with numerous achievements and good health to the Almighty God who saw her through thick and thin during the 5 years journey as the polytechnic rector.

She expressed her gratitude to the family of Chief Dr Sir Emma Monago and especially his wife Dr. Mrs Ifeoma for being a resourceful sister to her during her stay despite not knowing her before coming to the institution.

“You people should help me to thank my husband, Chief Prince Theo Nwafulugo, my backbone, Ochiagha Ojoto for his support and encouragement, If he was not there to spur me in the face of threats, challenges and opposition, I may have not achieved much.

“I thank God Almighty for giving me people like the former Acting Rector, Dr Izuchukwu Onu who received me in 2019 and later became my deputy, my twin brothers the Deputy Rector (Admin) Dr Kenneth Ezekwe and Deputy Rector (Academic) Mr Uche Onyegbu, then the Acting Registrar, Obini Onuchukwu Acharakammanko my foot soldier, the Bursar, Mr Udu, the Polytechnic Librarian, Dr. Nwabu Ezemba, my Protocol/PRO Mr Chijioke Ibeziakor, the Anticult, the Security,all the Staff and the Students”.

“Also, my special thanks goes to the three host communities Oko, Ufuma and Atani including their traditional rulers for being supportive and accommodative at all times. It was God’s favor that helped us not to experience any clashes or cult case from students”, said Nwafulugo.

“I want to use this avenue to apologize to any person or group I may have offended in the course of carrying out my legitimate duties as the rector. No one is perfect. May God give you the heart to forgive and forget the hurts, thank you.

She further advised the polytechnic management to continue in the same team spirit, inclusive leadership, hardwork and excellence so that they can achieve more saying that she can never forget Federal Polytechnic Oko.

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