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Anambra Community Disowns IPOB Lawyer’s Assassination Plot Claim Against Emeka Offor



By Praise Chinecherem

People of Oraifite in Ekwusigo Local Government Area of Anambra State have called on Ifeanyi Ejiofor, lawyer to detained leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), Nnamdi Kanu to desist from fuelling insecurity in the area.

President General of the community, Sir Vin Dike who addressed reporters at the Oraifite Civic Centre on behalf of the town, urged Ejiofor, who is one of their kinsmen, to return home and assist the community restore peace and tranquility it had enjoyed over the years.

Dike also refuted Ejiofor’s alleged assassination plot against him by Sir Emeka Offor, a business and kinsman.

Ejiofor had last week raised the alarm over Offor’s plan to assassinate him using one of his relatives.

Ejiofor, in a statement titled, “Plots to assassinate me leaked!”, told Nigerians and security agencies that the threat which he described as real, should not be treated with kid gloves.

While revealing that he ran into trouble with Offor after challenging him on his atrocities in Orafite, Ejiofor warned that the businessman should be held responsible if anything happened to him.

“He has been my tormentor in the village because I challenge all his ills in our dear town and equally, rescued innocent persons he marked to kill and most times abducted with police.

“He sees me as his major rival in the village. The act of burning down my house and neighborhood is his handiwork. Killing of my PA which was a hatchet job prosecuted by hirelings was equally his brainchild,” Ejiofor alleged.

But speaking to newsmen shortly after a meeting with leaders and stakeholders in the area, Dike described Offor as God’s gift to the community, arguing that it was an aberration for him to assassinate one of his philanthropic beneficiaries.

His words, “I’m sure you’ve read the assassination allegations trending on the social media. Just yesterday, there was report that he has written a petition to IG, governor and others that Emeka Offor has been trying to kill him.

“We want to set the records straight. Emeka Offor is one of the kindest and heartwarming philanthropists that anyone can beg for. I won’t bore you with what he’s done for people, including widows, sick, those he has flown abroad for medical treatment, not to talk of education, scholarships, road constructions, among others.

“It may shock you to know that Barr Ifeanyi Ejiofor is a beneficiary of Emeka Offor’s free education. That’s something you don’t read in the press. Ejiofor, on completing his high school, was picked up by Emeka Offor foundation.

“All through his university years, up to Law School and NYSC, Emeka Offor took care of him. He didn’t only pull him out from somewhere in the north he was posted to and reposted him to Abuja, he was placed in one of the most respected law firms in Nigeria.

“He won’t tell you that after God, and maybe his parents, the next person on his lips at all times will be Emeka Offor for training him and making him a lawyer he is today. Of course, Emeka Offor doesn’t even remember that he trained him.

“Yet what you read in the news about Oraifite is always negative – assassination, kidnapping, murder. But there’s this human side of our community which Emeka Offor represents. He assists everyone regardless of who you are.

“Emeka Offor is God sent to Oraifite. If I say in the next world, he’ll come to Oraifite, that would not be an overstatement. In other words, if there’s reincarnation, our prayers is that he’ll come back to Oraifite because nobody has blessed this town in the history of this town than Emeka Offor.

“Unfortunately, the same person made by Emeka Offor is busy tarnishing his image at the same time encouraging insecurity and criminality in this community.

“Recently, we lost an active youth leader, 38years old. He was picked up and never returned. Ejiofor has been in the lips every citizen of Oraifite that he’s the enabler. Rather than be a role model to the youths, being educated and respected lawyer, he preferred taking advantage of their vulnerability to forment trouble.

“Coincidentally, I’m from the same community, Ifite with him, But 99percent of crimes triggering the insecurity, come from Umunakwa, his own kindred. It’s verifiable. Anytime a criminal is picked up, he’ll fight tooth and nail to ensure his release. Presently, we’re in court.

“Of course you all know that his best address is that he’s Nnamdi Kanu’s lawyer. I’ll tell you, nobody could be more Biafra than myself; and I’ll want to seize this opportunity to at least, say to Nnamdi Kanu that I’ll make myself available to come and share with him information about some of his disciplines, including Ejiofor.

“I’ll let him know that people like Ejiofor use his IPOB for their personal gains. I’ll authoritatively tell him that on two occasions, he collected N50m from the previous Anambra government, another event, $20,000. I’m sure Kanu didn’t get that money.”

While announcing the suspension of Otueke, a customary practice which he alleged Ejiofor hijacked to further his course, the PG pleaded with him to sheath his swords and return home for peaceful reconciliation.

“We’re begging him to stop and return home so we can appease the gods. Oraifite is a peaceful community, with kind and loving people, including Emeka Offor. But he’s running from his shadows. Truth is that a man can’t outrun his shadow.

“We’ve not taking any decision on him yet because we want the law to take its cause. Meanwhile, Emeka Offor has not lost his sleep as far as Ejiofor’s threats are concerned,” Dike added.

Also speaking, traditional ruler of Oraifite, Igwe Dr Dan Udorji emphasized that his community is blessed with people of peace, including Emeka Offor who he described as the best thing that had happened to the town, state and Nigeria.

He said, “I take delight in supporting those with positive values and ready to pursue truth, love, unity, peace and progress in Oraifite.

“It’s unfortunate that lately, we’ve been bombarded with bad news. It’s also unfortunate that Oraifite people seem not to appreciate the gift of God to them in the person of Emeka Offor.

“When I attend meetings of traditional rulers, some of my colleagues tell me that if my town doesn’t appreciate Emeka Offor, you can tell him to come over and be a member of our town.

“It’s important that we don’t only appreciate this our illustrious son who has done so much for us, but unite to defend him when he’s under attack, rather than malign him

“It’s not only when we need him that we run to him. But when he’s in trouble, and under attack, we should rally round him. This is the least we can do for him because we can’t reward him for his philanthropy.

“It’s my hope that this phase will pass and sanity will be restored when the bad eggs are taken care of by the law.”

Reacting, Barr. Ejiofor dismissed all accusations against him, describing his accusers as Emeka Offor’s puppets who he handpicked for his selfish interests and personal bidding, insisting they did not represent the voice of Oraifite community.

He said no criminal record could be associated with his name both in Oraifite and elsewhere, adding that his offence had been his effrontery to challenge Offor’s atrocious acts in the community.

He said, “I’m just a legal representative to Otu-Eke registered group in Oraifite just like other groups I represent, but my house was burnt in Oraifite among other personal losses because of this.

“The genesis of my travails was the criminal invasion of my ancestral home at the instance of Chief Offor on 6th June 2021 by some security agents which led to the death of my personal assistant late Mr Samuel Okoro.

“His body was dumped inside his car booth and later set ablaze in Neni community, in Anaocha LGA, Anambra state.

“Three of my wards were also taken away during the criminal invasion and have not been seen alive or dead till date

“I was in the village for 18 days during Christmas period. During this period, I got credible intelligence report that another assassination plot against me has been concluded in Emeka Offor’s house using the Motherland armed group, a non state actors group loyal to him.

“I participate in activities in Oraifite and we have our own recognised town union association not the one populated by Offor’s lackeys.”

While revealing that he had petitioned Inspector General of Police, DSS and Army headquarters over the attacks and consistent threats to his life, Ejiofor however regretted that nothing has been done about his complaints.

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