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OBITUARY: Nnamdi Ekwemmor (Opanda)



By Dr Innocent Chidumebi Okonkwo

Nnamdi Ekwemmor (Opanda ) was indeed one of the biggest, finest, and most influential Omabala singers from Umueri in the early 2000.

He was known to command respect and influence from most of the wealthy men in Omabala area and across Anambra state. Utilizing his influence and music talent which paved way for him. He brought about positive impact and change in Omabala communities.

As a music activist, Nnamdi believed that Igbos could get things right. If they start building her institutions, however, the burden rests on the people. His music epitomizes friendly relationship and promotion of Omabala culture.

The Umuleri indigene started his musical career from Ogene Sawa, spanning over two decades, and rose to become one of the best musicians in Omabala area.

The experience of OPANDA gracing an occasion is memorable. People prepare ahead to watch his performance which was full of satire and allegory. Most atimes he utilized satire to make his criticisms.

Ever listened to “Isi Mmili Umuleri” ? That was a masterpiece from Nnamdi Opanda. Probably, you have listened to “Ka anyi gava Malaysia”. He also utilized his music to motivate young men by eulogizing the successful men in the society.

The Umuleri born singer also applied satire of the economic and political climate of our time in entertaining his fans with Omabala dialect.

The last time I saw him in a public function was in June 2021, in the burial ceremony of his bosom friend, Late Chibuzo Eze Anawaluama of Eziagulu Aguleri. He was accompanied by friends for traditional “itu uni and mgbata akwa okwu”..

Unfortunately, Opanda Umueri has joined his late friend, Chibuzo Ezeanawaluama few weeks ago. He is dead.

May his soul rest in peace.

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