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Court Halts Election in Delta Community to Avert Crisis



To prevent breach of peace, a Delta State Chief Magistrate’ Court has granted an interim injunction against the conduct of election into the leadership of Oleh Community Development Association (OCDA) in Delta.
Chief Magistrate B.O. Williams granted the interim order stopping the election scheduled for Dec. 28 following an ex-parte motion filed by aggrieved members of the association led by Chief Israel Onokurefe.
The applicants had alleged manipulation, violation of the association’s constitution and state guidelines on succession procedures in community associations by the outgoing President of the OCDA, Chief Believe Alakri and four others.
In a copy of the court ruling made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) the Chief Magistrate barred the respondents “from conducting any screening, election, selection or conference” pending the hearing and determination of the substantive suit.
“I have heard the motion moved by the learned Counsel to the applicants and critically looked at the affidavit deposed to and exhibits attached thereto.
“I am of the believe that in a matter of this nature, serious caution needs to be taken to avoid breakdown of law and order.
“I am of the view that allowing the conference to take place on already slated date will cause a lot of issues among members and such that will result to breach of peace in the community.
“This is especially where the 1st Defendant has failed to follow due process in trying to conduct the said election/conference,” she held.
NAN reports that following the order of the court, the Chairman, Isoko South Local Government, Hon. Victor Isasa, wrote a letter to the Commissioner of Police in the state to put in place necessary machinery to ensure peace in Oleh Community.
In a copy of the letter also made available to NAN, Isasa said that based on security report gathered by his office, there could be a breach of peace if the election is held in the community.
The Chairman, therefore called on the Police Chief to ensure that peace reigns in Oleh, a community in his local government area. (NAN)

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