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UNGA78: UN’s Budget Constraints and the Urgent Call for Global Action



By Dr. Charles Chidi Paradise

We make this Call to actions at UNGA78 for urgent UN Budget Increments from tiny sum of $3.4Billion to $50Billion with a profound sense of responsibility, urging you to direct your esteemed attention towards the matter at hand, which necessitates immediate review during the ongoing UNGA78. In a world where courage is often scarce, we stand as the voices of potential destinies, resonating with urgency. Our plea echoes the belief that the United Nations, an institution of global significance, is in need of assistance to address our pressing concern.

It has come to our attention that there are pending Multi Billion Dollars Peace Projects submitted to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres and copied the White House years back. These projects, though filled with promise, may languish in obscurity if the United Nations fails to take swift action. The
World Peace Rebirth Initiative NGO has emerged as passionate advocates, leading the charge on behalf of African UN Youths. Their collective vision calls upon World Leaders to reconsider allocating a mere fraction โ€“ just 1% of their annual budget โ€“ to be donated to the United Nations.

This modest contribution, we believe, can be a catalyst for substantial change. By bolstering the UN’s budget, it will be better equipped to confront and address the multitude of global challenges we face. The impact of this allocation could be profound, resonating across borders and transcending political divides.

In this spirit of unity and shared responsibility, we implore you to champion this cause during UNGA78. The world looks to the United Nations for leadership and solutions to its most pressing problems. By seizing this opportunity, we can collectively work towards a brighter, more peaceful future for all.

We eagerly await your thoughtful consideration of this matter and remain hopeful for a positive outcome with our detailed ongoing UN SDGs Global Peace Campaign.

The United Nations finds itself in a dangerous position in a world coping with the grave effects of climate change and the haunting spectre of global conflicts. The UN’s tiny annual budget of $3.4billion restricts its ability to meet the enormous burden of these urgent global concerns. It is becoming more and more clear that grassroots activism and cross-cultural cooperation are essential to ensuring a peaceful and sustainable planet for future generations as the youth of our world look towards the future with increased worry.

The enormous disparity between the UN’s budget and the scope of the issues it seeks to address is obvious. The UN has a $3.4 billion annual budget, whereas New York City, which serves as the organization’s headquarters, has a $220 billion budget. This stark discrepancy highlights the enormous difficulty the UN faces in carrying out its duty to serve humanity.

There are many effects of this budget deficit. Numerous multibillion-dollar peace initiatives are still in the planning stages as a result of the UN’s incapacity to appropriately address global problems. Due to a lack of money, many initiatives that were first presented to the UN and then approved by the White House continue to go untreated and unrealized. It serves as evidence of the serious effects that financial constraints can have on a company with such important global obligations.

Furthermore, budget constraints have directly contributed to internal tensions inside the UN. These disagreements make it much more difficult for the organisation to carry out its mission. The UN is stuck in a financial mess while being seen as a symbol of cooperation and hope.

The resolution adopted in UN News in 2015, which acknowledged the crucial role of youth in policy-making for the benefit of international peace and security, amplifies the gravity of the situation. Youthful people over the world have hopes and dreams that cannot be put off indefinitely. They have a right to expect action, and their opinions must be taken into consideration when making decisions that will affect the future of our world.

The UN Security Council and UN Secretary-General have a responsibility to pay attention to these sincere requests for financial assistance. The moral duty of world leaders to contribute a specific portion of their nations’ annual budgets to the UN must be acknowledged. The time has come to put words into deeds and to make sure that the UN has the tools necessary to fulfil its crucial purpose of fostering peace, stability, and sustainability.

As former US President John F. Kennedy put it, “We are here to ‘Light Up the Candles’ and not cause darkness.” It is our joint responsibility to accept the light of hope being held out by the young people of the planet. African Nigerian UN youth are leading the charge on this call to action, providing their important perspectives and memorable experiences as a source of motivation. Our aim is that the UN General Assembly would embrace this enlightenment and dedicate themselves steadfastly to the ongoing UN Youth SDGs Global Peace Campaign Sensitization, opening the door for creative solutions that might mould a better future for all.

This UN Youth SDGs Campaign article is powered by World Peace Rebirth Initiative an (NGO) Working Voluntarily For UN Observers And UNV Online On UN SDGs Global Peace Campaign.

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