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Thank you Mr. Governor for mitigating the Impact of the National Economic Challenge on Ndị Anambra – ThankGod A. Anagor



In an esteemed show of gratitude, I wish to fervently commend the exceptional efforts of Prof. Charles Chukwuma Soludo, the Executive Governor of Anambra state in mitigating the repercussions of the national economic challenges faced by Ndị Anambra. The Governor’s prudent and compassionate approach has reverberated through an array of measures tailored to uplift the lives of ndị Anambra.

The deployment of a multipronged strategy, including the provision of free antenatal and delivery services for expectant mothers, coupled with comprehensive healthcare packages for senior citizens and children, has underscored Governor Soludo’s visionary leadership and unwavering concern for the welfare of every individual.

The Governor’s keen understanding of the economic struggles endured by the ndị Anambra as a result of the removal of fuel subsidy is exemplified by the judicious decision to grant tax exemptions for wheelbarrow pushers, related low income businesses, and reductions, particularly with a 20% reduction in transporters’ payments. This move signifies a commitment to alleviating the financial burdens faced by hardworking members of the community.

A heartwarming gesture from Mr. Governor’s office has come in the form of imminent rice distribution to over 300,000 households spanning across the state’s 326 wards. This act of benevolence resonates with Governor Soludo’s empathy and determination to ensure that no family goes without essential sustenance during these trying times.

The Soludo initiatives further extend to augmenting public servants’ salaries by 10% from January 2023 and now offering a monthly non-taxable cash award of N12,000 to pensioners and government employees both at State and local government levels during the period of September to December 2023. These thoughtful measures reflect Governor Soludo’s astute financial planning and an empathetic acknowledgment of the contributions made by individuals who have dedicated their lives to the state’s service.

Governor Soludo’s leadership stands as a beacon of what can be accomplished when compassionate governance takes the lead. My heartfelt appreciation conveys a sentiment shared by many, as citizens genuinely thank the Governor for his tireless dedication in enhancing lives and securing a brighter future for Anambra State. The hope is that the Governor’s dedication will continue to serve as an inspiration to all, as his remarkable service to the state prevails.

Thank you Mr. Governor, indeed, the Solution is here.

Hon. ThankGod A Anagor (JP)
TC Chairman of Awka South LG

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