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Era of Power Consumption Without Pay over – EEDC



By Praise Chinecherem

The Enugu Electricity Distribution Company (EEDC) has ended its one-day interactive session in Onitsha, Anambra State with a reminder to customers that any consumed power must now be paid for, contrary to what was obtainable in the past.

Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer, Praveen Chorghade made the disclosure while addressing customers during the session termed, ‘Customer Engagement Session.’

Chorghade, represented by Head, Corporate Communication, Emeka Ezeh, described the session as a platform earmarked periodically for interaction with the customers towards having improved power supply.

He disclosed that the Covid-19 pandemic stopped the constant EEDC/customer session adding that it would now continue to be held.

He said, “This Customer Engagement Session is to reach out to our customers and we do this to get direct impact with our customers. The whole idea is to serve you, customers.

“It is obvious that any consumed power must be paid for now, unlike what was obtainable in the past when we off set some of the bills sometimes on our own.

“Presently, Southeast receives nine per cent of the power supply and as such will not be distributed to all even as it contributes to epileptic power supply but expressed optimism that with time there would be improvement.

“When customers pay for power supply we collect only 27 per cent of the money paid and remit the bulk sum to the authority that gave us the power supply. Some people don’t even know if we don’t pay we are disconnected.”

Head, Commercial, Central 2, Nwachukwu Obinna lamented vandalization of EEDC transformers and equipment, urging customers to always expose such vandals.

“We deliver quality service and want feedback from customers with a view to improving on power supply. Transformer vandalization affects most consumers, any transformer that goes down affects many.

“Also on meter procurement. If you pay for metre we supply it to you within 24 hours and recover the money through power supply payment. The thing is that the payment you make will be paid back to you,” he explained.

In their various remarks, Head, customer Service, Ijeoma Ogudebe, Onitsha District Business manager, Ojiako Samuel, Ogidi District Business manager, Samuel M. Izuagu, Engr Dr. Francis Iwu, Head, Health Safety and Environment, stressed the need for cooperation by all towards improved power supply.

Also, Uju Okafor, of customer service, said the interactive session was meant for all who live within the three Districts of Onitsha, Ogbaru and Ogidi, adding that customer service centres are scattered all over the three Districts for complaints and assistance.

In their responses, some of the customers,
Uchechukwu Aniebue, Sunday Udensi, Echezona Ike, Dr. Igwenazor Nchekwube expressed satisfaction with the session and urged the power company to ensure constant sessions.

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