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Rev. Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Allia Inauguration, Solid Foundation For A Greater Benue



By Evang. Patrick Akobo Ulaka

Benue State was created on the 3rd of February, 1976 when the Benue/Plateau was divided into two, Benue and Plateau State. The creation of the new State was welcomed with great joy by the dwellers of the Benue valley who pride themselves as the food basket of Nigeria.

Permit me at this juncture,with a sense of history and service to posterity to go back in time to bring the various people who have occupied the Benue State Government house in markurdi .

Abdullahi Shelleng got the first salvo in 1976 and was there till 1978 . He hailed from Numan , Adamawa State; Group Captain Adebayo Lawal from Ofa Kwara State held sway from 1978 to October 1979;

The first democratically elected Governor of Benue State, Mr Ape Aku , from Usongo LGA of Benue State was Governor from 1st October 1979 to 31st December 1983; Brigadier Gen. John Atom Kpera was in power from 1984 to August 1985. He hailed from Gboko LGA; Air Commodore Jonah David Jang from Berom in plateau State , was military administrator of Benue State from August 1985 to August 1986; Barrister Colonel Yohana Madaki from Zango Kataf in Kaduna State, was on seat from August 1986 to September 1986; Major General Ishaya Bakut from Zonkwu Kachia in Kaduna.state was in charge from 1987 to 1988; on the 21st of July 1988, Lt Col Fidelis Makka from Gawu Suleja Niger State became the Governor and was in charge until 2nd January 1992.

The second democratically elected Governor of the State who was incidentally the first Rev. Fr. to be so elected, Rv. Fr. Moses Adasu from Konshisha LGA of Benue State was Governor from 2nd January 1992 to November 1993.
Group Captain Joshua Obademi from Akoko, Ondo State became Governor in December 1993 and was there till August 1996; Colonel Aminu Isah Kontagora from Niger State held sway from August 1996 to August 1998; Brig. Gen. Dominic Oneye who hailed from Efuru in Delta State was in the seat from August 1998 to August 1999.

The 3rd democratically elected Governor of Benue State, Senator George Akume from Wanunne Tarka LGA, was the first to rule two terms from may 1999 to may 2007.
In may 2007, Senator Gabriel Suswan from Logo LGA,was sworn in as the fourth democratically elected Governor of Benue State. He served two terms which culminated in may 2015.

Dr. Samuel Ortom from Guma became the fifth democratically elected Governor of Benue State, serving two terms from may 2015 which will culminate on the 29th of may 2023.

Preparatory to the run for Benue State Government house, high power delegation had met with Rev. Fr. Dr Hyacinth Allia , pleading for his intervention towards stablishing Benue State and providing solid leadership at a time when the state was apparently at its lowest ebb.

His acceptance to contest under the platform of All Progressive Congress (APC) after due consultation became the galvanising pond, a restructuring of the political dynamics of Benue State with a humongous following with echoes yes Father renting the air across the three senatorial zones.

The stage was set for an epic battle between Governor Sam Ortom’s endorse PDP candidate Rt Honorable Titus Uba and the obvious choice of the people Rev Fr Dr. Hyacinth Allia.

However, there were huddles to cross with various litigations and a re- run election going to his favour.

On the 18th of March ,2023, the people of Benue State voted massively for the man of the moment and when he was declared the winner , the reaction from the populace who echoed yes Father to celebrate his emergence was the people’s choice ;

In one sweep of jubilation across to the State, the chant of yes Father made bike riders, keke riders, etc, to carry people to the various places of their destination , free of charge.

As we prepare for the handover on May 29th, 2023, the atmosphere is exoteric, captivating and exiliarating. A palpable gust of fresh air parade the entire state as all sectors of the State roll out the drums to celebrate the man of the moment, the new face of the greater Benue as he mount the saddle.

The inauguration ceremony which comes up on 29th may 2023 by 10am at IBB square Makurdi, Benue State, will consist of a brief procession followed by administration of oath of Allegiance and oath of office. The new Governor is also expected to make his inaugural address . I am sure a lot of Benue people who may not be familiar with his biography would want a close up shoot of his Excellency Rev Fr Dr Hyacinth Allia.

Born on the 14th of May 1966, to the family of Mr and Mrs Thomas Katsina Allia of Mbangur , Mbadede in Vandeikeya LGA of Benue State. He attended elementary Education in Agidi Mbatiav Gboko LGA of Benue State.

In 1983, he gained admission to St James Minor Seminary where he obtained his general certificate of Education, GCE. His commitment towards serving God as a Catholic priest took him to St. Augustine Seminary Jos an affiliate of university of Ibadan. He acquired a diploma in religious study in 1987. He furthered his Education and graduated with a Bachelor’s of Art in sacred theology at an affiliate of Urbaniana University, Rome.

Rv. Fr. Dr. Hyacinth Allia started serving God at the Cathedral Church of our Lady of Perpetual Help, Makurdi , Benue State.
That was where he started his healing mass with a small congregation that usually gathered every Saturday.

Like a mustard seed, the Saturday healing mass gradually became a kind of Diocesan activity that attracted parishioners from other churches who were literally magnetised by the amazing healing power that followed his ministration. People come from far and near and as they received their healing from various sicknesses, they circulated the message to their friends and families. Soon Rev Fr Allia’s healing mass became the talk of the country.

His popularity was resisted by many who spread lies that he was using negative powers . This was induced by envy and jealousy. Father Allia was invited to the vatican for the confirmation of his healing powers, and after serious investigation, it was confirmed that Rev Fr Allia’s healing power is pure and a gift from God not fake as claimed by his distracted.

Due to his love for Education, he migrated to Bronis, New York, USA and acquired a master’s degree of arts in religious education ( psychology and counseling).

In 2004, Fr Allia obtained another master degree of arts in Biomedical Ethics from Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. The following year, he also acquired his doctorate degree in the same course, in the same university.

Fr Allia spent some time in the United States and returned to Nigeria.
He was posted to St Thomas Catholic Church Anum , opposite the first gate of Benue State University, Makurdi. He was later transfered to Vandeikeya ( his local govt) to continue his service to God at St Paul’s Catholic Church, Ikyaator following the creation of Gboko and Katsina-Alla diocese. His ministerial work has exposed him across the board.

As destiny will have it, there was high powered delegation seeking his intervention to salvage BENUE STATE. He decided after serious consultation and divine illumination to contest on the platform of APC.

His entrance into the political arena was a turning point as he became a political front runner, overcoming the huddles of various litigations and a re-run election. At this juncture, it was already clear to the descerning mind that God’s hand was in it and Rev Fr Allia was on a God given mission of converting Benue State to his parish for positive impact , transformation and rebirth of Benue State.

On 18th of March, 2023, the people of Benue State voted massively for the man of the moment and when the result were called, and he was declared the winner, the reaction from the populace who echoed yes Father to celebrate his emergence was enough for all to know that he was indeed the People’s choice . In one sweep of jubilation ,yes Father became the cost of transport fee as joyous bike riders, keke riders,etc, carry people to their various destinations free of charge to celebrate the Victory.

As we celebrate and usher in the people’s Governor, Rev Fr Dr HYACINTH ALLIA, we know that the task ahead is a herculean task with months and months of unpaid salaries, the wailing and gnashing of teeth by helpless and forsaken pensoniers.
The monstrous security Challenges bedevilling the state and the consequent realities of low farm produce and deserted farm.

The poignant poverty and economic crunch, coupled with the high rate of unemployment in the state. Our new Governor must think outside the box, however, with his pedigree, we believe that , Rev Fr Dr HYACINTH ALLIA by the Grace of God is equipped to be the solution to Benue’s myriads of problems, it is therefore with implicit faith in God and unwavering belief in his leadership capacity that we urge all civil servants, and pensioners, artisans, business men and women, Professionals , students, indeed all people of good will in Benue State to roll out the drums and celebrate God’s gift to Benue State- Rev Fr Hyacinth Allia as he takes over the mantle of leadership in Benue State; all we owe him is our unalloyed followers hip beyond ethnicity and partician politics .

Together let us say bye bye to the invasion of locust and inept leadership, Indeed the light has come , Benue State must shine again….Indeed this is the beginning of greater Benue. Together we can!

Evang. Patrick Akobo Ulaka, a Public affairs analyst can be reached through

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