
Dangote Refinery and Buhari’s Sermon on African Economic Integration



By Polycarp Onwubiko

During the commissioning of Dangote refinery and petrochemical factory at Lagos, the outgoing president Muhammadu Buhari while speaking suggested that the economy of the African countries should be integrated to supposedly achieve Agenda 2063.

Hear him: “There is the need for African countries to come together, integrate their economies, eliminate trade barriers, and rally their populations to achieve Agenda 2063…to lead Africans rise to economic prosperity and attainment of Agenda 2063 to actualizing African economic and political trajectory, this is the Africa we want”

Nothing could be farther than the grand illusion. Nigeria is currently reeling from the catastrophe of Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) which was initiated and facilitated by the military jackboots in Nigeria. Due to intimidation, the NIgerian military rulers deceived other African countries into the useless organization called ECOWAS.

The African countries did not know that what was uppermost in the mind of the NIgerian military teleguided by the Fulani oligarchy severally referred to as: “Northern political Emirates establishment” and “Cabalist hegemonists” whose covert agenda was to fling open the borders of Nigeria in the northern part of the country for the unrestrained infiltration of Fulani invaders and terrorists masquerading as herdsmen from the Sahel region of West Africa.

The question reasonable NIgerians ought to have asked is: What have been the economic benefits and even political advantages that Nigeria people have gotten from championing ECOWAS? Virtually nothing. Rather, the culmination of the evil agenda for Fulani ethnic domination of the northern part of the country was completely achieved with the socioeconomic and political destructive Buhari presidency from 2015 to 2023.

The unabashed terrorists masquerading as herdsmen infiltrated NIgerian landscapes with AK47 guns with which they have mindlessly slaughtered hundreds of thousands of people in the southern Kaduna, middle belt states and boldly with intrepidity moving Southwards and have taken physical occupation of all the thick forests where the keep kidnapped victims and extort millions of Naira without the security agencies doing virtually nothing to effect arrest and prosecuting the felons.

Buhari who deceived people with promise to Restructuring the lopsided federation with decentralized security architecture as integral part during his election campaign looked away from fulfilling the promise. He was conscious of the fact that if there is decentralized security architecture, the Federating Units with their security architecture would have restrained the Fulani herdsmen killers.

Another intriguing thing is that upon all the atrocious style of Buhari’s administration, ECOWAS leaders and the leadership of African Unity , (AU which formerly known as Organization of African Unity) never raised eyebrows and asked Buhari administration to factor the principles of federal system of government as practiced in the first republic to have good governance which would eliminate the pervasive and intractable insecurities throughout the country.

It is therefore in this light of the deceptive content and leadership of the African organizations that the socalled “Agenda 2063” should thrown into the garbage of history. There is a saying that “you can fool some of the people for some time but not all the people all the time” ; and that is why the supposed”Agenda 2063″ is a monstrous conception ostensibly aimed at consolidating the Fulani hegemonic tendencies in Nigeria, not even in any of the African countries because Ghana which later saw the evil agenda, proscribed open grazing of cattle in the country.

Buhari administration never pretended that it would consolidate Fulani hegemony and scorned the suggestions for cattle ranching as practiced in sane and sanitized countries of the world. Sadly, the 2023 general elections in Nigeria was covertly programmed to be a hogwash and unless there will be Divine Mercy and intervention, Nigeria is headed to the Stony Golgotha.

Polycarp Onwubiko, a public policy analyst wrote from Awka, Anambra State

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