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C/River govt set to train 12,000 teachers



The Cross River Universal Basic Education Board has concluded arrangement to train 12,000 primary schools teachers across the state.

The Executive Chairman, SUBEB, Sen. Stephen Odey, made this known in an interview with newsmen in Calabar on Tuesday.

He said that the training would keep teachers abreast of emerging trends in the basic education sector.

“The training will be decentralised to enhance participation of teachers in all nooks and crannies of the state.

“The training will be conducted by high-level facilitators and members of the academia,” he said.

Odey said the date for the training, expected to take place before the end of February, would be communicated as soon as logistics were concluded.

He, however, commended Gov. Ben Ayade, for his contribution to development of the state’s education sector, especially through training and re-training of teachers and provision of learning facilities. (NAN)

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