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Anglican Cleric Denounces Polygamy, Tenders Apology to Church, Followers



By Praise Chinecherem 

A former Anglican priest in the Diocese of Nnewi, Anambra State, Rev. Barr. Ogbuchukwu Lotanna has announced his decision to return to the church after resigning from Communion barely three months ago.

The cleric who had on September 10, 2022 resigned from the Communion, claiming to receive divine mandate to encourage polygamy, with a vision to reduce rate of sexual sins, was recalled on December 24, 2022 following unreserved apology via a public announcement.

In the apology letter titled, “To all beloved in Christ and all it may concern: Rescinding from my pro polygamy movement”, Lotanna pledged full and undivided attention to all God had called him to do as a priest in obedience to the instituted authority of the Church. 

He also appealed to all, especially the over 200 persons that indicated interest join his proposed new Church, to disregard his previous comments on the movement, promising not to speak or work against the godly doctrines of his Church.

The letter reads, “I wish to inform the general body of Christ and the general public that I have submitted a letter of apology to my Lord Bishop for resigning from being a member of  the body of Clergy Association of Diocese of Nnewi (Anglican Communion). 

“What led to my action was my misinterpretation of the revelations I received on a divine movement for SEXUAL PURITY.

“I have since pledged to give a full and undivided attention to all that God has called me to do as a priest in obedience to the instituted authority of the Church. 

“I have understood that for any program(s) to achieve sexual purity, it must of necessity be that which should build the CHURCH OF CHRIST and should be accepted by her. And I can not be numbered among those fighting the Church. 

“Hence; I, REV. OGBUCHUKWU MAKUO LOTANNA (ESQ) hereby withdraw my humble self from propagation of the POLYGAMY movement and plead with everyone (especially the over 200 persons that indicated interest for us to kick-start a Church, which I personally, never did) to jettison all I have said so far on this movement AS I HAVE BACKED OFF AND I AM FULLY BACK TO MY CHURCH and I have promised not to speak or work against the sound and godly doctrines of my Church.

“I have also withdrawn and DELETED all the videos and messages I have preached or posted on the subject from all my social media handles and have CLOSED all the channels. 

“There are other programs for sexual purity the church will appreciate and be at home with, which will also help to build the society at large. I will henceforth be preoccupied with such programs to showcase my GENUINE INTENTIONS.

“I thank those who have handled my case with love, prayers and maturity, and apologize to those who may have been disappointed in me, deceived or offended by my action. 

“I remain your brother and it is my desire that we all continue in the path of holiness and remain “RAPTURABLE” in CHRIST.”

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