
May Soludo Never Happen To You



I have worked on the letters of the name SOLUDO, and I truly sympathize with all those who go by that name either as first, second, third or as surname. I’m truly not disrespectful of them nor do I mean any insults or harm. Sincerely my heart goes out to Prof Charles Chukwuma Soludo who is the direct subject of this short piece.

The SOLUDO at the core of this effort stands for, SELF OVERRATING LET’S UNHINGED DESTRUCTION OUT. Oftentimes mortal man thinks him/herself exceptional. In Luciferic arrogance mortal man ascribes omniscience to him/herself. In unguarded penchant for kindergarten jealousy mortal man assumes theistic propensities, as he/she dishes out anger and envy ladened prognosis presenting such hubris, tommyrot and gibberish as the product of studied research, like Prof Charles Chukwuma Soludo sought to weave a sullied wool over us a few days ago.

The past one week has been a theatre of the absurd for the Governor of Anambra State Prof Charles Chukwuma Soludo who rather than concentrate on making the State better than he met it, opted instead for the danse macabre, yes, in an inexplicable frenzy of Pseudo intellectualism he chose an unsolicited fight with H.E Peter Obi who understandably is the rave of the moment on our political amphitheater. May your ego not become your fall. Indeed may SOLUDO never happen to you.

From that Channels TV ‘POLITICS TODAY’ Interview with Proficient Broadcast Anchor Seun Okinbaloye where he described former Governor Peter Obi’s investments in favour of Anambra State as next to nothing, to the “so long a letter/article’ where Soludo not only sort to rubbish the Presidential race of H.E Peter Obi but labourously proceeded to denigrate the entire Nigerian Youth, the Obidient Family and all those seeking a better Nigeria worldwide. In demonic arrogance and fiendish jealousy, Soludo claims to be smarter than the global family of the Obidients. He calls the Movement a Mob. He calls the movement the product of fleeting exuberance and excitement. He thinks himself the most intelligent Nigerian and the most informed political operator alive. But he goofed. May SOLUDO never happen to you.

Even the Peoples Democratic Party the PDP, the All Promises Cancelled, O sorry the All Progressive Congress the APC and the New Nigerian Peoples Party the NNPP ditto three of the four leading political parties in the race for the high office of President come 2023, have not in any way treated or referred to the Peter Obi phenomenon in a condescending manner like the ‘all knowing Soludo’ has. ‘How art thou fallen, Chukwuma Son of Soludo, why has pride and prejudice ensnared you? What happened to you?’. Seriously Speaking Folks, may SOLUDO never happen to you.

Have you read the opinions streaming into the public domain on Prof Charles Chukwuma Soludo? Have you seen the statement of Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala the DG of the World Trade Organization? Have you read the one credited to the Former Governor of the Central Bank and the Former Emir of Kano H.R.H Lamido Sanusi? Have you read the one that was ascribed to his in-law the late Dr. Dora Akunyili? You can Google check and find out that none of the damning statements came from the Obidients. That Soludo in his mountain high and unbridled arrogance called the Obidients a ‘mob’ defines his blinding neurosis and unequalled disdain and hate for the most vibrant socio-political movement in our nation’s history. May Soludo never happen to you.

Who will tell Prof Charles Chukwuma Soludo that I’m glad to be a member of the MOB (Movement Of The Beautiful). Who will tell him that we are Beautiful because together with H.E Peter Obi we want to take back our Country for good. Together we want to make NIGERIA beautiful. And together we want to birth and berth a New Deal and a New Day for the masses of our Country. Unfortunately however, the All Knowing Philosopher-King called Charles Chukwuma Soludo thinks we are idiotic narcissists and Nazi. May SOLUDO never happen to you.

Soludo is living in the past but wouldn’t see because his ego is Olympic. His struggle to reduce a Pan Nigerian Ticket ditto the Peter Obi Presidential Campaign to a regional cum South East quest for power belies his claim to logic and clear thought. And his theistic declaration that Peter Obi cannot win the 2023 Presidential election reeks of unguarded jealousy and unreasonable disdain for figures and statistics. I will not bother to educate and or inform the Solomonic SOLUDO, but pray rather that Soludo does not happen to you.

Pride goes before a fall, and a haughty spirit before destruction says the Holy Book. And the letters of the name Soludo speaks to this reality. Yes, Self Overrating Let’s Unhinged Destruction Out SULODO. May revenge and revanchism never blind your heart so bad that you think yourself God. May envy, jealousy and anger never tear into your soul so bad that you think yourself all-knowing. And may you learn some ennobling humility. Indeed may SOLUDO never happen to you.

Chris Mustapha Nwaokobia Jnr.

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