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Anambra CP Announces Arrest of Gunmen Behind Attack, Killing of Two Policemen at Okija



Praise Chinecherem

Police Commissioner in Anambra State, Mr Echeng Echeng on Thursday announced arrest of masterminds of attack on Police station in Okija, Ihiala Local Government Area of the state that claimed two officers.

Echeng made the disclosureat the Police headquarters while addressing officers of the Command during a visit of the Assistant Inspector General in charge of Zone 13, AIG Umar Muri.

According to him, the suspected mastermind of the operation was arrested on Wednesday alongside three of his men.

He said, “We’re delighted to announce to you about the daily improvement of security situation in the state. Many of the so called unknown gunmen have been apprehended, weapons and vehicles recovered and victims rescued. 

“Just yesterday, we had a breakthrough in the command. In March, one of our stations was attacked at Okija and we lost two of our men. We want to announce to you that the mastermind of that operation was picked up with three of his men.

“They’ve given us enough clue we tend to improve on where we are today. We lay high premium on capacity building to boost the command capability in confronting the security challenges.”

Echeng appreciated the AIG for his tremendous support to the Command, attributing the giant strides recorded to such support and advices.

He added, “Most of the successes recorded could not have been possible without those useful advices. We recall the time we were incapacitated by withdrawal of some officers from the command leading to shortage of manpower. You assisted us with personnel.

“The moral of our men have been restored. When we came on board, moral was low, but today moral is high and we are still building on it. we will continue, to ensure that our men will go about their job without being harassed by miscreants.”

Responding, AIG Muri praised men and officers of the command for their patriotism and untiring efforts in fighting crimes and insecurity, just as he stressed on the code of conduct for serving officers and men.

He said the Inspector General of Police Alkali Baba has made lots of commitment to ensure high moral of men of the force, including kitting, prompt salaries, renovation of four Police colleges, operational vehicles, among others.

He said: “The zone is proud that Anambra has curtailed criminal elements. But there are things we must take into cognisance in discharge of our duties. We must sustain the fight against criminals and taking the fight to their doorsteps.

“We must shun unlawful arrest and meddling in civil cases, you must fish out and ensure punishment of policemen who fraternize with criminals, you can only use firearm when the situation at hand is proportional to the use, and ensure justice and fairness prevail in all your dealings with members of the public at all times.”

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