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Your Excellency, Mr. Peter Obi

Following my former letter to you, I heard that a Catholic priest said that you will not win election to the Presidency of Nigeria!
Know that God did not send the priest to say that, because God does not send us, Catholic priests, on such messages, and the priest does not speak as God’s agent.

Closer contact with the priest could prove this truth.
Therefore, do not mind such unguided talks. Keep up your efforts to be made President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
I and all the honest philanthropists of Nigeria are earnestly praying and offering Masses and Rosaries for this event to happen, because we are hoping that you will mend the ailing and dying precious country, Nigeria.
You had helped Anambra State as a Governor and had salvaged and healed that State like a true Igbo man of authentic Igbo and Catholic Church upbringing.

Therefore, continue to be faithful and courageous to get the opportunity to save and bring Nigeria up, to play the country’s expected, proper leading and serving a role in Africa, with the help of Almighty God. You will affect our country, the moral revolution in truth, freedom, honesty and love for everyone without exception or discrimination, which is needed to foster peace and genuine fellowship with one another in our country, Nigeria, in the forthcoming new world era of human relations, which is needed to revive and heal our materialist-prone and selfish country.
May God keep you healthy, strong, successful and happy in your efforts.
Yours fraternally,
Monsignor PatrickMary Anene Mmuo,
Abakaliki, Ebonyi State

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