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2023 presidency: It’s time for a change



Victor Okezie portrait

Victor Okezie is a clergy and political analyst. In this interview with CHIKAODI CHUKWULETA, he urged those interested in the presidential position to be prepared to bring change, carry the youths and grassroots along, among other things. Excerpts:

SIR, the 2023 Presidential Election is coming up, what advice do you have for the candidates?

  Let me start by saying that it’s time for a change; a time to unveil peoples’ assessments of this administration. Those who feel that they are qualified to rule Nigeria as president have started showing interest. Most of them have served either as governor, National House Member, minister or held any political office post either by elected or appointed.

  But the question is, when you were serving as governor, what are your achievements in that state you served as governor? Did you create job opportunities for the youths? How much did you leave for your successor to enable him start a good work in your state?

  You as a former minister, in your own office, what did you do and what was your own contribution to move the country forward? Are you among those in the circle of circle “bring the money, share the money syndrome?”

  You want to change the ugly situation of this country. Good! But you should have it at the back of your mind that change must start from you. You are going there if the opportunity is given to you to represent and to serve every

Nigerian and not for your own selfish interest.

  My advice to all the presidential candidates is that they should have a good agenda for the interest of everyone; that they should not go there to gather all the resources and treasuries of this country for themselves. They should follow their manifesto and implement rs, because Nigerians are tired of campaign promises. They should carry the youths (grassroots) along and not to use them as thugs.

whatsoever good agenda they have for the interest of the people, especially the commoners, because Nigerians are tired of campaign promises. They should carry the youths (grassroots) along and not to use them as thugs.

Do you believe that it is the turn of the South East to be resident?

  The problem we have in this country is mainly based on selfish interest. If equity, justice and dividends of democracy is fully established, observed and practiced, there will be peace in the country.

  Both Tom, Dick and Harry know that it is the turn and chance of South East to produce the next president come 2023.Let us tell ourselves the truth. The North has severely occupied the Aso Rock as President, same with South West, also South-South. South East has never been at the Seat of Power (Aso Rock) as president. Don’t we have qualified and credible people in the South East? So, I strongly believe that this is a chance for South East to produce the next president come 2023.

Do you think the election will be credible, free and transparent?

  2023 general elections should be credible, free

and transparent if all the candidates of various political parties should avoid violence and not involving the youths into thuggery. Secondly, INEC should be transparent, sincere, trustworthy, fair and honest on their own part. Thirdly, our security agents should help INEC to archive a very credible, free, fair and transparent election.

Seeing the situation of things in the country, do you think the economy can be fixed again?

  Why not? If all the political parasites and political God- fathers around the elected should be avoided and also fight against every spirit of selfishness and corruption that lead to looting of public funds, the economy of this country will be controlled and Nigeria will be a better place to live.

What advice do you have for Nigerians, especially for those who don’t like exercising their franchise?

  It is time for everybody to rise on their feet. Your vote is your power. We all are parts of the instrument for change to make Nigeria a better place for all of us. Get your Voter’s Card ready. Anyone that has not gotten his/her own should go for it. It is your franchise.

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