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2023: We must get it right



2023 Election

The inflation and untold hardship that has befallen Nigeria and her citizen is now an open secret.
The business men and women, the civil and public servants, the market men & women, investors both foreign and local, are in various degrees and capacity feeling the effect of the current Nigeria economy. It has also gotten to the animals in forest reserves /zoos, domestic animals not excluded.

Nigeria our country is at a point where, priority of every citizens both home and abroad should be getting it right. Getting right, our leaders at different tiers of government. The very existence/survival of Nigeria depends solely on getting it right.

This is not time to sing praises of any politician that puts one Naira in our pockets. We should by all means avoid making ourselves agents of destruction before, during or after the 2023 election.

We should all be advocate of good governance irrespective of our religion, tribe and political border. A seasoned candidate with the best track record of success should be given the maximum support to fix the country. This does not apply to only the presidential election but every tier of government for an aggressive overturn of fortunes and standard of living.

Nigeria cannot afford another 4 years of terrorism, banditry, looting, agitations. We must shun all forms of godfatherism which is the architect of political downfall of politicians.

The question in my mind right now should be, among all the aspirants, who has what it takes to lead? Someone who is well-informed, knowledgeable, young, progressive minded, the will-power, the zeal to serve.

Someone who is not tribalistic or fanatical. Until we are able to identify this person amongst them all, we might be on a part to doom.

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