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Agu-Awka: The tale of a marginalised ward




By Isaac Chukwurah

Political seats are fiercely contested for in Nigeria most especially in Anambra State.

Some political parties, regions, states, zones and communities imbibe the zoning method to ensure equity and fairness, limiting marginalisation to a bare-minimum. The zoning method ensures every region, zones or community in turns gets to bring out representative to vie for political seats.

In Anambra State, Awka South state constituency A seems to be monopolised by Awka indigenes to the detriment of other communities like Okpuno and Agu-Awka.

Agu-Awka currently is the biggest political ward in Awka South and can boast of having the highest voting strength.
Despite these, they are been referred to as the visitors ward, hence their unruly justification for marginalising a ward that has in their numbers, the best minds, intellects, scholars.

Over the years, Agu-Awka has given its voting strength in support of the Indigenous Peoples of Awka, yet they seem to be abandoned after each election. There is no presence of constituency projects, despite having the strength in numbers to determine to a great extent the outcome of any political election in Awka South Constituency A.

It is high time Agu-Awka is recognised. It is either they are given the tickets by all political parties to vie for the seat or remembered greatly in political appointments, constituency projects, empowerment and others.

It is noteworthy to mention that Agu-Awka is the ward that housed the Anambra State Government House, 99% of all government offices, State House of Assembly and State High Court.

This is a clarion call to Agu-Awka residents, to stand up for your right, you deserve as much as other wards in the local government Council. You deserve equal rights and should be given opportunity to showcase yourselves.

You can achieve having your person as the representative of Awka South Constituency A in Anambra State House of Assembly. This can be achieved when you work harmoniously in your various political parties, most importantly do away with greed and selfishness.

Isaac Chukwurah writes from Awka.

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